Familia Cylindroleberidae

This family consists of three subfamily, Cylindroleberinae (21 genera), Cyclasteropina (now with 12 genera) and Asteropteroninae (4 genera). The carapace inlateral view is elongate to ovoid. In the Cylindroleberinae the incisure is slit-like, whereas in the Cyclasteropinaeit is formed by either a minute projection of the rostrum or as a small open indentation. The seventh limb is present in both sexes, and the terminal segment has opposing combs with 2 to 40 opposing teeth. The rest of the limb carries from 6 to >200 setae. There are 7 or 8 flat "gills" along each side of the posterior part of the abdomen.

Only four species from this family have been reported from the region.