Conchoecia daphnoides

(Claus, 1890)

Instantly recognisable, postero-dorsal region of the carapace developed into a long spinose pointed process (C. daphnoides Habitus 1, C. daphnoides Habitus 3). The rostra developed into long curving processes particularly in the female (C. daphnoides Habitus 2). Sculpture a clear reticulate pattern with strong longitudinal striae. The height : length ratio is 1/3 in males and 1/5 in females. Right asymmetrical gland opens just below the incisure on the anterior margin; the left opens just posterior to the hind end of the hinge.
Female, frontal organ undifferentiated, slightly enlarged ventrally, terminating in a down-turned point (C. daphnoides 1). First antenna with finely hirsute dorsal seta.
Male, frontal organ capitulum only slightly down-turned with bluntly rounded end (C. daphnoides 3). First antenna with short "a" and "c" setae; the "b" and "d" setae are 3/4's the length of the "e" seta, "e" seta armature 15-19 pairs of long pointed spines proximally more widely spaced (C. daphnoides 4).

Müller, 1906 described a form minor from the North Atlantic, with females 4.2-4.9mm and males 2.25-2.45mm in length. This may either be a seasonal variant or another sibling species. C. daphnoides undertakes extensive diel vertical migrations, has a marked seasonality in its breeding cycle at latitudes >40°.

Recorded from all oceans; 60°N-42°S in Atlantic. Epipelagic to deep mesopelagic, but this extensive vertical range is the result of vertical migration. 1, 2, 3, 4 (R.R.S. Discovery Map).

Type specimens
None designated; status of original material uncertain.

Type locality
Not designated. Original descriptions based on material collected from two stations in the North Atlantic at 37°45'N 13°38'W and 34°18'N 15°34'W.