Archiconchoecia af cucullata


The general appearance of this species is superficially similar to that of A. cucullata (A. aff. cucullata Habitus 1, A. aff. cucullata Habitus 3). However, rostral edges are not straight, but are curled downwards and inwards (A. aff. cucullata Habitus 2, A. aff. cucullata Habitus 4). The posterior spines are positioned slightly lower on the posterior margin and their bases overlap. Between the end of the hinge and the righthand process the postero-dorsal margin is smooth. The maximum width of the carapace is anterior to mid-length so in ventral aspect it appears spindle-like. The frontal organ is <150% the length of the limb of the first antenna and is down-turned at its tip (A. aff. cucullata 1, A. aff. cucullata 3).

This is fragile species, like many other deep-living species, it is difficult to collect in good condition. Another large cucullata - like species has been taken in benthopelagic hauls at depths >4000m at low latitudes in the North Atlantic. These four species will be separated generically from Archiconchoecia species. The name Archiconchoecia should be retained for those species which resemble A. striata , the first species described for the genus, which should be designated the type species for the genus.

This 'new' abyssopelagic species requires formal description. It occurs at 20°N-49°N in deep water in the Atlantic. 1 (R.R.S. Discovery Map).

Type data
None designated yet.