Conchoecia echinulata

(Claus, 1891)

This member of the curta group is extremely similar in appearance to C. curta (Conchoecia curta). It is best distinguished by the posterior margin of the carapace being more arcuate (C. echinulata Habitus 1); the carapace sculpture having indistinct cross striae between the main concentric pattern; the right asymmetrical gland opening about a third the way up the posterior margin (an extremely difficult character to see under low power); the frontal organ being short in both sexes and club-ended in females (C. echinulata 1, C. echinulata 3); the "e" seta armature on the male first antenna consisting of 5-8 pegs (C. echinulata 4) and the outer margin of the right hook appendage being somewhat flattened (C. echinulata 5), and the copulatory appendage is exceptionally large.

Generally this species is restricted to latitudes <40°but a few specimens have been taken in the Porcupine Seabight region.

Recorded from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. 60°N-37°S in Atlantic. Shallow mesopelagic. 1, 2 (R.R.S. Discovery Map).

Type specimens
None designated; status of original material uncertain.

Type locality
Original material described from 31°N in the Atlantic and 26°-37°S in the Indian Ocean.